Matica hrvatska Collection

Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
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- Croatian
- German
- Macedonian
- Serbian
- Slovene
Name of collection
HR-HDA-1567, Matica hrvatska (archival fund)
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 1000-
- photos: 500-999
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
Stakeholder(s) of the collection
Geographical scope of recent operation
- national
Date of founding
- 1842
Place of founding
Zagreb, Croatia
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
Access type
- completely open to the public
Author(s) of this page
- Mihaljević, Josip
Aralica, Višeslav. 2009. Matica hrvatska u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj (Matrix Croatica in the Independent State of Croatia). Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest.
Benčić Rimay, Tea (ed.). 2008. Dossier: Vlado Gotovac. Zagreb: Institut Vlado Gotovac.
Bratulić, Josip (ed.). 1997. Matica hrvatska: 1842. - 1997. (Matica hrvatska: 1842-1997). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Brleković, Josip. 2002. Hrvatski tjednik: Bibliografija - 1971. (Croatian Weekly: Bibliography – 1971). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Bućin, Rajka. 1998. Matica hrvatska: sumarni inventar (Matica hrvatska: summary inventory). Zagreb: Croatian State Archives.
“Deklaracija o nazvu i položaju hrvatskog književnog jezika“ (“Declaration on the Name and Position of the Croatian Literary Language“). Matica hrvatska. Accessed 20 August, 2018.
Gotovac, Vlado. 1989. Moj slučaj (My case). Ljubljana; Zagreb: Cankarjeva založba.
Gotovac, Vlado. 1995. Zvjezdana kuga: zatvorski zapisi 1972-1973. (Star plague: prison notes 1972-1973). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus.
Hekman, Jelena (ed.). 1995. Vlado Gotovac: Djela (Vlado Gotovac: works). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Hrvatske.
Hekman, Jelena. 2002. Izvještaj o kontroli zakonitosti rada Matice hrvatske (Report on controlling the legality of the work of Matica hrvatska). Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska.
Jelčić, Dubravko. 1992. „Sto pedeset godina Matice hrvatske“ (The Hundred and Fifty Years of Matica Hrvatska“). Radovi Leksikografskoga zavoda 'Miroslav Krleža', 2 (1992): 81-96.
Kovačec, August. 2017. „Deklaracija o nazivu i položaju hrvatskoga jezika u povijesnom kontekstu“ (“Declaration on the Name and Position of the Croatian Language in Historcal Context“). Hrvatska revija 1 (2017). Matica hrvatska. Accessed October 4, 2018.
Ravlić, Jakša et al. (eds.). 1963. Matica hrvatska (1842. – 1962.) (Matica hrvatska, 1842-1862). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Samardžija, Marko (ed.). 2017. Deklaracija o nazivu i položaju hrvatskog književnog jezika 1967.-2017.: vijesti, komentari, osude, zaključci (Declaration on the Name and Position of the Croatian Literary Language 1967-2017: news, comments, judgements, conclusions). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Šarić, Tatjana. 2008. Kulturna politika vlasti u NR Hrvatskoj – primjer Matice hrvatske 1945.-1952. (Cultural policy of the National Republic of Croatia authorities - Matrix Croatica Example, 1945-1952). 2008., MA thesis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb.
Štambuk-Škalić, Marina. 2009. „Arhivsko gradivo o Matici hrvatskoj u fondovima Hrvatskog državnog arhiva“ („Archival records on Matica hrvatska in the funds of the Croatian State Archives“). Kolo 1-2 (2009). Matica hrvatska, Accessed October 4, 2018.
Zidić, Igor (ed.). 2017. Hrvatska i Hrvatsko proljeće 1971. Zbornik radova (Croatia and the Croatian Spring 1971: proceedings ). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Bukvić, Nenad, interview by Shek Brnardić, Teodora , May 10, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
Fabekovac, Mario, interview by Mihaljević, Josip, October 02, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection