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Exhibition: 40th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language, 2007

Opening of the exhibition on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language, 2007 Exhibition on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Name and Position of the Croatian Literary Language, 2007


  • Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
    Show on map

Starting year of event

  • 2007

Author(s) of this page

  • Mihaljević, Josip


Deklaracija o nazvu i položaju hrvatskog književnog jezika“ (“Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language“). Matica hrvatska. Accessed 20 August, 2018.

Kovačec, August. 2017. „Deklaracija o nazivu i položaju hrvatskoga jezika u povijesnom kontekstu“ (“Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Language in Historical Context“). Hrvatska revija 1 (2017). Matica hrvatska. Accessed October 4, 2018.

Samardžija, Marko (ed.). 2017. Deklaracija o nazivu i položaju hrvatskog književnog jezika 1967.-2017.: vijesti, komentari, osude, zaključci (Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language 1967-2017: news, comments, judgements, conclusions). Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.

Štambuk-Škalić, Marina. 2009. „Arhivsko gradivo o Matici hrvatskoj u fondovima Hrvatskog državnog arhiva“ (“Archival records on Matica hrvatska in the collections of the Croatian State Archives“). Kolo 1-2 (2009). Matica hrvatska, Accessed October 4, 2018.

Fabekovac, Mario, interview by Mihaljević, Josip, October 02, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2018-12-11 11:50:25