collections found
(New collection descriptions are constantly being added)
Items per page:
- Vodičkova 36, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
- alternative lifestyles and resistance of the everydays
- censorship
- democratic opposition
- emigration/exile
- human rights movements
- independent journalism
- music (rock, punk, alternative, classical, etc.)
- national movements (patriotic opposition)
- party dissidents (outcasts from the party)
- peace movements
- philosophical/theoretical movements (neomarxists, maoists, reform socialists, etc.)
- religious activism
- samizdat and tamizdat
- student movement
- surveillance (various)
- survivors of persecutions under authoritarian/totalitarian regimes
- underground culture
Date of founding:
- 2008
- Featured items:
- Chișinău Strada Ismail 100/2, Moldova
- Topics:
Date of founding:
- 1961
- Featured items:
- Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
- Topics:
Date of founding:
- 2009
- Featured items: