Museum of Romani Culture Collections

The Museum of Romani Culture in Brno contains unique materials on the life, history and culture of Roma in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and map the social, political and cultural activities of the minority. This collection is closely focused on the Roma minority and is unique in the Czech Republic. The collections also include materials mapping the life of the Roma minority during the Communist regime and their emancipation efforts.
Bratislavská 67, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
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Name of collection
Collections of Museum of Romani Culture
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- applied arts objects (folk art, decorative arts, etc.): 10-99
- artifacts: 10-99
- clothing: 100-499
- film: 10-99
- furniture: 10-99
- grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 100-499
- manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 100-499
- memorabilia (posters, flyers, stamps, etc.): 10-99
- music recordings: 1000-
- paintings: 10-99
- photos: 500-999
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
- video recordings (including oral history recordings): 500-999
- voice recordings (including oral history recordings): 500-999
Geographical scope of recent operation
- national
- alternative lifestyles and resistance of the everydays
- censorship
- democratic opposition
- ethnic movements
- film
- fine arts
- folk culture (e.g. folk dance movements)
- human rights movements
- independent journalism
- literature and literary criticism
- minority movements
- music (rock, punk, alternative, classical, etc.)
- samizdat and tamizdat
- social movements (general)
- survivors of persecutions under authoritarian/totalitarian regimes
Date of founding
- 1991
Place of founding
Brno, Czech Republic
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
Access type
- parts are closed to the public
Author(s) of this page
- Vrtálková, Anna
Horváthová, Jana, Alena Křížová, and Jana Kramářová. Poklad Romů: amare somnaka : tajemství romského šperku : doprovodná publikace ke stejnojmenné výstavě Muzea romské kultury, 7.10.2016-30.4.2017. 2016.
Pešta-Corrado, Andrej, Jana Horváthová, Adam Holubovský, Tomáš Pospěch, Dušan Slačka, Milada Závodská, Jana Habrovcová, Karolína Ryvolová, and Eva Danišová. Andrej Pešta: o fotki. 2017.
Muzeum romské kultury (Brno, Česko), and Helena Danielová. Sbírky Muzea romské kultury: [přír°ustky] 1991-2006 : textil, šperk, nesbírkové kolekce textilu a šperku = @Collections of the Museum of Romani Culture. Brno: Muzeum Romské Kultury, 2007.
Sadílková, Helena, Slačka, Dušan, Závodská, Milada. Aby bylo i s námi počítáno. Brno, Muzeum romské kultury 2018.Lhotka, Petr, Michal Schuster, and Milada Závodská. Svaz Cikánů-Romů 1969-1973: doprovodná publikace k výstavě Muzea romské kultury "Svaz Cikánů-Romů (1969-1973) - z historie první romské organizace v českých zemích". Brno: Muzeum romské kultury, 2009.
Muzeum Romské Kultury – Accessed August 10, 2018.
Habrovcová, Jana, interview by Vrtálková, Anna , February 16, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection