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Aurel and Emil Cioran Collection at ASTRA Library Sibiu

First meeting of brothers Aurel and Emil Cioran after many years of separation, 1980s


  • Sibiu Strada George Barițiu 5, Romania 550178
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  • French
  • German
  • Romanian

Name of collection

  • Aurel & Emil Cioran Collection

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 500-999
  • photos: 0-9
  • publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 500-999


Date of founding

  • 1911

Place of founding

Access type

  • completely open to the public


  • Cioran, Aurel. 2012. Aurel Cioran: fratele fiului risipitor (Aurel Cioran: The brother of the prodigal son). Edited by Anca Sârghie and Marin Diaconu. Cluj-Napoca: Eikon.

    Cioran, Emil. 1995. Scrisori către cei de-acasă (Letters to those at home). Edited by Dan C. Mihăilescu. Bucharest: Humanitas.

Author(s) of this page

  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


ASTRA Sibiu County Library. 2017. “Fondul documentar EMIL și AUREL CIORAN” (The Emil and Aurel Cioran Documentary Fonds). Accessed February 18, 2017.

Laignel-Lavanstine, Alexandra. 2004. Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco: Uitarea fascismului. Trei intelectuali români în vâltoarea secolului (Cioran , Eliade, Ionescu: Forgetting fascism. Three Romanianintellectuals in the turmoil of the century).Bucharest: Editura EST–Samuel Tastet Éditeur.

Payne, Stanley G. 1995. A History of Fascism, 1914–1945. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Sdrobiş, Dragoş. 2015. Limitele meritocraţiei într-o societate agrară. Șomaj intelectual şi radicalizare politică a tineretului în România interbelică (The limits of meritocracy in an agrarian society: Intellectual unemployment and political radicalisation in interwar Romania).  Iaşi: Polirom.

Tănase, Stelian. 2009a. Anatomia mistificării: 1944–1989 (The anatomy of mystification: 1944–1989). Bucharest: Humanitas.

Tănase, Stelian. 2009b. “Emil Cioran supravegheat de Securitatea română”(Emil Cioran under the surveillance of the Romanian Securitate). Sfera Politicii 17, 141. Accessed February 21, 2017.


Andriescu, Bogdan , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, December 20, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2018-02-02 17:31:56