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Mihai Manea Private Poster Collection

Mihai Manea and his friends at a disco evening in the factory hall of festivities


  • București Strada Johann Gutenberg 19, Romania 030167
    Show on map


  • Romanian

Name of collection

  • Mihai Manea Private Poster Collection

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • memorabilia (posters, flyers, stamps, etc.): 10-99



Geographical scope of recent operation

  • national


Date of founding

  • 1969

Place of founding


Important events in the history of the collection

Access type

  • visits by appointments

Author(s) of this page

  • Petrescu, Cristina
  • Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu


Ionescu, Doru. 2011. Club A – 42 de ani: Muzica tinereții tale (Club A – 42 years: The music of your youth) Bucharest: Casa de Pariuri literare.

Ionescu, Teodora. 2016. Folk pur și simplu (Folk pure and simple) Bucharest: Editrex.

Petrescu, Cristina. 2008. “Eastern Europe, Central Europe or Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Central European Dissent and Romanian ‘Resistance through Culture’.” In Europa im Ostblock: Vorstellungen und Diskurse (1945-1991), edited by José M. Faraldo, Paulina Gulińska-Jurgiel and Christian Domnitz, 231-249. Cologne: Böhlau Verlag.

Petrescu, Dragoș. 2010. Explaining the Romanian Revolution of 1989: Culture, Structure, and Contingency. Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică.

Stratone, Nelu. 2016. Rock sub seceră și ciocan (Rock under the hammer and sickle) Vol. 1: 1960-1989. Bucharest: Hyperliteratura.

Manea, Mihai, interview by Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu , March 29, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2020-01-07 17:25:21