Digitalisation of photo material
With the help of financial resources from the Ministry of Culture of Serbia, the digitalization of photo material from the SKC’s rich archive material began in the period 2010–12. In the process of digitization, the materials found were dated from 1971 until 1999 (in total 60 000 negatives).
At the Archive’s website, it is explained that "[i]t is planned that all materials will be scanned and posted on the website, but due to lack of funds, the realization of the plan is very slow. Since the negative material is delivered to the Archive without useful tags, most of the time and energy is spent on recognizing the events to which they relate. In order to speed up the identification process, in addition to processing the identified material, recordings of unrecognized events are put on the website so that visitors to the site who attended SKC programs during the given period, or participated in their realization, can help identify and place them into the appropriate section.
Last edited on: 2019-03-08 15:28:45