Rudolf Mihle Collection

Rudolf Mihle (1937–2008) was one of the most important Czech amateur filmmakers. Some of his films were critical of the communist regime and society. Therefore, they were censored and could not be publicly screened. Mihle was an active member of the Czech Club of Amateur Filmmakers (Český klub kinoamatérů).
Malešická 12, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic
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- Czech
Name of collection
- Mihle Rudolf (1937-2008)
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- film: 10-99
- manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 100-499
- other artworks (that cannot be classified by other filter categories such as paintings, sculptures, graphics, etc.): 0-9
- photos: 1000-
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 10-99
- video recordings (including oral history recordings): 10-99
Geographical scope of recent operation
- international
Date of founding
- 2000
Place of founding
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
Access type
- visits by appointments
Part of network
Author(s) of this page
- Kůželová, Michaela
Pražan, Emil et al. 2005. Kronika českého amatérského filmu. 70 let ČKK. Praha: Národní informační a poradenské středisko pro kulturu.
Jiří Horníček, e-mail message to Michaela Kůželová, November 16, 2016.
Horníček, Jiří, 2013. “Točit filmy po svém.” In Kmeny 0: městské subkultury a nezávislé společenské proudy před rokem 1989, edited by Vladimir 518, 192–217. Praha: Big Boss & Yinachi.
Národní filmový archiv. 2002. "Mihle Rudolf (1937-2008): Inventář." Accessible at