Ivan Aralica Collection of Press Clippings

Zagreb, Croatia
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- Croatian
Name of collection
- Ivan Aralica - "Conversations, awards, cases"
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 100-499
Geographical scope of recent operation
- international
Date of founding
- 1985
Place of founding
Zadar, Croatia
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Zagreb, Croatia
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
- Kesić, Ante. "Lies and deceptions plus insults and slander". Vjesnik, 9 December 1986. Press clipping
- Letter from Ivan Aralica. Vjesnik, 3 August 1985.Press clipping
- Papić, Krsto. "Lies and deceptions". Vjesnik, 1 December 1986. Press clipping
- Vučenović, Dane. "Vigilance fell asleep". Narodni list, 6 July 1985. Press clipping
Access type
- visits by appointments
Author(s) of this page
- Shek Brnardić, Teodora
Aralica, Ivan. Anastazija. Oluje u tihom ozračju. (Anastasia. Storms in a quite atmosphere). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2016.
Aralica, Ivan. “ Bez hrvatskog proljeća, ne bih napisao "Pse u trgovištu" (Without the Croatian Springs [the novel] Dogs in the market place would not have been written). Večernji list (28 July 2004). Accessed 25 June 2017.
Aralica, Ivan. Duše robova (The souls of slaves). Zagreb: Znanje, 1984, 19862, 19883, 19904, 19955, 19966, 20107, 20118. Slovak translation: Duše otrokov (transl. by Ján Jankovič). Bratislava: Pravda, 1988. Slovenian translation: Duše sužnjev (trans. by Stanka Rendla). Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1989. Albanian translation: Shpirtrat e robërve (trans. by Sylë Osmanaj) Prishtina: Rilindja, 1989. German translatian: Die Seelen der Sklaven (trans. by Jasna Schmidt-Konjedić). Munich: Weimarer Schiller-Presse, 2006.
Aralica, Ivan. Izabrana djela (ed. by Velimir Visković) (Five centuries of the Croatian literature series, book 171). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1987.
Aralica, Ivan. Okvir za mržnju (A framework for hatred). Zagreb: Znanje, 1987, 19882, 19903, 19984, 20115.
Aralica, Ivan. Smrad trulih lešina (A nasty smell of rotten corpses). Zagreb: Despot Infinitus, 2014.
Aralica, Ivan and Zlatko Crnković. Pisac i njegov urednik. Izabrana pisma (A writer and his editor. Selected letters). Zagreb: Znanje, 1998.
Aralica, Ivan. Zadah ocvalog imperija. Ogledi. (The stench of the withered empire. Essays). Zagreb: Znanje, 1991.
Bijela knjiga Stipe Šuvara. Originalni dokument Centra CK SKH za informiranje i propagandu od 21. ožujka 1984. (The White Book of Stipe Šuvar. The original document of the Centre for information and propaganda of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia, dated 31st March 1984). Zagreb: Večernji list, 2010.
[Conversation with Ante Ferlin, president of the SUBNOR of Croatia], Danas, 23. December 1986.
Diklić, Marjan. Kažimir Zanki i Hrvatsko proljeće u Zadru (Kažimir Zanki and the Croatian Spring in Zadar). Nin: Matica hrvatska – Nin, 2012.
„Idejna borba u kulturi i umjetnosti (The struggle of ideas in culture).“ Naše teme: časopis mladih o društvenim zbivanjima 29, no. 7-8 (1984), 1091-1250.
I., V. „Komunizam kakav je bio: Ivan Aralica predstavio roman: 'Anastazija-oluje u tihom ozračju' „. Accessed on 7 Seeptember 2017.
Kažimir Zanki (1924.-2000.). Zbornik radova posvećenih životu i djelu Kažimira Zankija uz 80. obljetnicu rođenja. (A book of proceedings dedicated to the life and work of Kažimir Zanki on the occasion of his 80th birth anniversary). Zadar: Matica hrvatska Zadar, 2005.
Kukoč, Juraj, Daniel Rafaelić and Tomislav Šakić. „Krsto Papić u razgovoru: 'Želim pridobiti vječnu publiku' (A conversation with Krsto Papić: I want to win the eternal public.“ Hrvatski filmski ljetopis 16, no. 61 (2010), 10-69.
Nemec, Krešimir. „Pogovor: Parabola o vlasti i ropstvu (Afterword: A parable about power and slavery)“, in: Ivan Aralica, Psi u trgovištu (Dogs in a bazaar). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2010, pp. 367-77.
Nemec, Krešimir. Povijest hrvatskog romana od 1945. do 2000. godine. (A history of the Croatian novel, 1945-2000). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2003.
Nikolić, Kosta, Srđan Cvetković and Đoko Tripković, ed. Bela knjiga – 1984. Obračun sa „kulturnom kontrarevolucijom“ u SFRJ. (The White Book – 1984. The showdown with „the cultural contrarevolution“ in the Socialist and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2010.
Pavičić, Jurica. „Vrane, ovnovi i žene: politika i moć u filmu Lisice Krste Papića (Crows, rams and women: politics and power in the movie Handcuffs by Krsto Papić.“ Hrvatski filmski ljetopis 16, no. 61 (2010), 70-83.
Pešorda, Damir. „Pogovor: Roman o poosobljenoj partijnosti“ (Afterword: A novel about the incarnated Partijnost), in: Ivan Aralica, Anastazija: oluje u tihom ozračju (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2016), 149. Dostupno i on-line: http://www.izravno.com/hr/info/aktualni-kultura/roman-o-poosobljenoj-partijnosti/ [skinuto 7. rujna 2017.]
Shek Brnardić, Teodora. "The Invisible Hand of Yugoslav Censorship", The Handbook of Courage (forthcoming).
Šakić, Tomislav. „Uvod u Krstu Papića (An introduction to Krsto Papić).“ Hrvatski filmski ljetopis 16, no. 61 (2010), 6-9.
Škrabalo, Ivo. 101 godina filma u Hrvatskoj (101 years of the Croatian film, 1896-1997. A survey of the history of the Croatian cinema). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 1998.
Turković, Hrvoje. Politikom po kulturi. Polemike, 1968-2002 (Using politics against culture. Polemics, 1968-2002). Zagreb: Meandarmedia, 2016.
Von Erdmann-Pandžić, Elisabeth. „Stjepan Čuić i suvremena hrvatska proza: (usporedba romana Orden i Okvir za mržnju I[vana] Aralice) (Stjepan Ćuić and the contemporary Croatian fiction; (a comparison of the novel A medal and A framework for hatred by Ivan Aralica ).“ Dubrovnik : časopis za književnost, nauku i umjetnost 2, no. 2 (1991), 128-41.
Vučenović, Dane, „Zaspala budnost [Vigilance felt asleep], Narodni list, 6 July 1985.Aralica, Ivan , interview by Shek Brnardić, Teodora , October 02, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection