Forms of Resistance in Fine Arts

Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, "Gen. Gurko" Str. 1.
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- Bulgarian
Name of collection
- Forms of Resistance
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- graphics: 10-99
- grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 10-99
- grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 10-99
- paintings: 10-99
- sculptures: 10-99
- Archives State Agency, Republic of Bulgaria
- Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich
- Art Gallery "Vladimir Dimitrov - Maystora"
- Art Gallery Donation "Kolektsia Svetlin Rusev"
- Art Gallery Pernik
- Baychev, Veselin
- Bulgarian National Art Museum
- Cholakova, Savka
- City Art Gallery
- City Art Gallery (Varna)
- Danailov, Emil
- Dobrinov, Lyubozar
- Ganev, Angel
- Indzhov, Dimitar
- Kyuchukyan, Onnik
- Nikolov, Kalin
- Nikolov, Toma
- Ovcharov, Georgi
- Ovcharova, Maria
- Penchev, Nikola
- Petrov, Lavren
- Regional History Museum
- Sofia City Art Gallery
- Statelov, Boris
Stakeholder(s) of the collection
Geographical scope of recent operation
- international
Date of founding
- 2014
Place of founding
Sofia City Art Gallery
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
- Painting "Anthropological Excavator"
- Painting "Kutsiyan" by Tanev, Nikola
- Painting "Portrait of Kiril Petrov"
- Painting "Rest" by Christo (Christo Vladimirov Javacheff)
- Painting "Self-Portrait with Lattice"
- Painting "The Strike of the Plovdiv Tobacco-Workers"
- Painting "Without Name"
- Sculpture "Harlequin"
- Sculpture "Spirit and Matter"
- Sculpture "Window"
Access type
- parts are closed to the public
Author(s) of this page
- Kasabova, Anelia Dr.
Todorov, Svetoslav. 2016. “Izkustvoto kato saprotiva. Izlozhba v Sofiyska gradska hudozhestvena galeria sabira tvorchestvoto na represiranite po vremeto na sotisalizma hudozhnitsi [Art as Resistance. Exhibition at the Sofia City Art Gallery collected Works of Repressed under Socialism artists].” Capital. Accessed 8 March 2017.
Vasilev, Kiril. 2016. “Krasimir Iliev, curator na izlozhbata ‘Formi na saprotiva 1944-1985’: Tamnite vekove ili ot konzlagerite do avtotsenzurata [Krasimir Iliev, curator of the exhibition "Forms of Resistance 1944-1985": Dark Ages or concentration camps to self-censorship]. Dnevnik. Accessed 8 March 2017.
Boykina, Darina. 2016. “Choveshkiyat zhivot I materialite za hudozhnitsite kato darzhaven resurs. ‘Formi na saprotiva (1944-1985)’, curator Krasimir Iliev” [Human Life and Materials for Artists as a Public Resource. Forms of Resistance (1944-1985), curator Krasimir Iliev]. Artnewscafe. Accessed 8 March 2017.
Genova, Irina. 2016. Refleksii: Proektat ‘Formi na saprotiva’ v SGHG I hudozhestveniyat muzey sled komunizma [Reflections: The 'Forms of Resistance' in Sofia City Art Gallery and the Art Museum after Communism]. Marginalia. Accessed 8 March 2017.
Iliev, Krasimir. 2016. Formi na saprotiva [Forms of Resistance]. Sofia: Sofia City Art Gallery.
Iliev, Krasimir , interview by Kasabova, Anelia Dr., October 12, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection