“At that time everybody played here, including the bands Európa Kiadó, Kampec Dolores, Balkán FuTourist and Sziámi,” said Gyula Nagy, the manager of the club Fekete Lyuk. “The musicians performed for free or for beer and bread with a bit of lard, and they recited poems or staged mini plays. So there was real life here. In 1986, however, the director of the culture house brought an end to this, and it took two years for us to succeed in creating Fekete Lyuk. The factory was closed then, so the cellars were empty. I called Balkán FuToursit and Második Műsor back, and they helped get things going here again. We opened on February 27, 1988, for three consecutive days Balkán, Baby-line, and the Vágtázó Halottkémek [Galopping Coroners] performed. This was a sort of attempt to see if we could draw in an audience, and to see if the authorities would give us permission to remain open. In the end, people came, and the authorities permitted us to continue, but there was great pressure both on us and the director too.” (Béla Jávorszky’s interview with Gyula Nagy). http://www.jbsz.hu/szekcio-blog/52-kezdetek-/931-nagy-gyula-uezenet-a-lyukbol.html).