During the flood in August, 2002, a part of the Popmuseum collection in Prague was destroyed and most of the collection was damaged. There was a search for a new venue as the institution dealt with recovering and rescuing the collection. The then venue of the institution on the Besední street, Prague, was destroyed and the equipment, sound media and complete collections, estates, books and magazines stored there were flooded. A restoration of the documents, drying, classification and new registering of the items were possible thanks to help by the National Museum. Most of the lent items and documents were returned to their owners after restoration. A part of the collection, specifically LPs, LP covers, photos etc., was moved to Brno for an expert restoration and deposited in Stará pekárna at the Štefánikova street, Brno. The rest of the collection was recently moved to a depository in Horní Počernice, Prague and since 2005, some of the collection is also stored in the cultural centre Kaštan in Břevnov, Prague. Since then, it has been made the official headquarters of the institution as a permanent exhibition and most of the thematic temporary exhibitions and other popular events take place there.
Diesler, Radek. 2016. "Příběh pražského Popmusea 1998-2015." Nový Populár, No. 1. Accessible at https://www.popular.sk/pribeh-prazskeho-popmusea-1998-2015-i-s-malym-hercem-se-da-hrat-velke-divadlo.
Popmuseum. 2018. “Popmuseum”. Accessed August 13. http://www.popmuseum.cz/about/about.php?l=cz#history.
Opekar, Aleš , Diestler, Radek, interview by Chmátal, Jonáš , April 07, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection