Duray, Miklós
Miklós Duray is a Hungarian politician, writer, and pedagogue from Slovakia. He studied at the Comenius University in Bratislava and graduated with a degree in geology. His political career started under the communist regime in 1965. From the start, Duray dealt with publication bans, house searches, and arrests. His political career started in the Csehszlovákiai Magyar Dolgozók Kultúregyesülete (Cultural Association of Czechoslovak Hungarian Workers, or CSEMADOK), where he was a secretary for a short period. After that he served as head of the Hungarian Youth Organization (MISZ) and the head of the József Attila Youth Club in Bratislava. In 1978, he was made a deputy chief of the Hungarian minorities legal protection committee. After this, he was often interrogated by the police. He was then accused of treason and was arrested. In early 1983, he signed Charta 77. In 1988–1989, he was a guest pedagogue at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (USA). After 1989, he returned to Czechoslovakia, and in 1990, he established the Coexistence Party. Until 1998, Duray served as head of the party. In 1998, he became an important member of Party of the Hungarian Community. In 2010, withdrew from politics because of his age.
Last edited on: 2019-02-27 15:56:23