Publishers did not want to release some of Zvonimir Kulundžić's polemic books. On the other hand, Kulundžić himself was not ready to make compromises which some publishers were demanding. Therefore, Kulundžić published some of his most important books in his edition, without any institutional support. Nevertheless, some of his books were printed in a large number and were even sold out, such as the book Tragedija hrvatske historiografije (Tragedy of Croatian Historiography) (Zagreb, samizdat, 1970). Kulundžić gained readers quickly because of his controversial attitudes, subjects he dealt with and the thesis he offered, but also because he communicated directly with readers. In his books, he invited readers to buy his books directly from him. Most of Kulundžić's readers were subscribers of his self-published editions. This featured item - "Call for Pre-Order" - is the last page of the 2nd edition of the book Tajne i kompleksi Miroslava Krleže: koje su ključ za razumijevanje pretežnog dijela njegova opusa (Secrets and Complexes of Miroslav Krleža: which are the key to understanding the overwhelming part of his opus) (Ljubljana: Emonica, 1988). In this book author announces the release of his new book Odgonetavanje zagonetke Rakovica (Unriddle of Rakovica's Riddle) (Zagreb: Multigraf, 1994) and invites readers to ask for a copy of the book, saying "Let you become patriots and preachers on the cultural site of the Croatian people". He instructs the reader to cut off a part of the book (order form) write his home address with the text: "Please ensure a copy of your book Unriddle of Rakovica's Riddle, and send it to me when the book comes out."
Osijek Ulica Kamila Firingera 1, Croatia 31000
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