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Barnea, Alexandru. Mihai Vodă Monastery, 1984. Photo

Mihai Vodă Monastery shortly before demolition Translation of Mihai Vodă Church Mihai Vodă Church in Bucharest Bridge over the river Dâmbovița leading to the Mihai Vodă Monastery and the new Royal Court (William Watts, after a drawing of 1793 by Luigi Mayer)


Year of creation

  • 1984


  • Colecția privată de fotografii Alexandru Barnea

Author(s) of this page

  • Petrescu, Cristina
  • Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu


Anania, Lidia et al., Bisericile osîndite de Ceauşescu: Bucureşti, 1977–1989 (The churches condemned by Ceaușescu: Bucharest, 1977–1989). Bucharest: Anastasia.
Axinte, Alex and Cristi Borcan. 2010. Evacuarea fantomei: Arhitecturi ale supravieţuirii (Ghost evacuation: Architectures of survival). Bucharest: Asociaţia Pepluspatru.
Giurescu, Dinu C. 1989. The Razing of Romania’s Past. Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Leahu, Gheorghe. 1995. Bucureştiul dispărut (Vanished Bucharest). Bucharest: Arta Grafică.
Nicolau, Irina and Ioana Popescu. 1999. O stradă oarecare din Bucureşti (An ordinary street in Bucharest). Bucharest: Nemira.
Popa, Ioan. 1992. Robi pe Uranus: Cum am construit Casa Poporului (Slaves on Uranus: How we built the House of the People). Bucharest: Humanitas.

Barnea, Alexandru, interview by Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu , November 01, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2019-01-21 16:01:02