This original copy of the samizdat can be found in the tenth volume of the observation file on Géza Szőcs. Its source was András Keszthelyi, a university student, in whose possession on 8 November 1982 the Cluj-Napoca Securitate found twenty-one copies of the fifth to eighth issues of Ellenpontok, which they confiscated. The seventh issue (September 1982) – considered the most magazine-like – included two articles pertaining to the heading “On this Side of Censorship” and ten other texts. This publication includes the only article written by Géza Szőcs, his two-page text entitled “Transylvania Back, Everything Back?” which, analysising the situation, reaches the conclusion that the editors and distributors have put their lives at risk by founding the first Romanian samizdat paper. Although the column entitled “Documents” is missing, this is compensated for by two texts Attila Ara-Kovács which discuss the situation of Romanian Jews as well as his several articles about the fate of Transylvanian Hungarians. The latter articles discuss the disruption of Hungarian national homogeneity and the mobility restrictions imposed on “internal emigration,” the “city embargo,” the prohibition of commuting, the official modality of emigration to Hungary and defection, in the form of fictitious dialogues. In this context mention must also be made of an article by András Keszthelyi which considers the alternatives to emigration from the point of view of the Romanian Communist system. This edition also includes interviews with Mihnea Berindei, Paul Goma, Virgil Ierunca, Mihai Corne and Monica Lovinescu, published under the title “Parisian Interview,” which had been noted down and translated by Antal Károly Tóth on the basis of a tape recording of the Romanian-language radio programme broadcast by Radio Free Europe. Thematically we may include here another article by Ara-Kovács which tries to offer an answer to the question of when the Hungarian-language broadcast of Radio Free Europe will effectively cease its self-censorship on the Transylvanian issue, The column entitled “On this Side of Censorship” features a fictive story by István Mészáros entitled “The Principle of Democratic Centralism” together with Ara-Kovács’s reasoning regarding the legal status and social dependence of the subject and the citizen. The edition ends with the officially non-publishable newsfeed of the column entitled “Reportedly.”
Molnár, János. 1993. Az Egyetlen: Az Ellenpontok és az ellenpontosok története (The only one: Counterpoints and the history of its founders). Szeged: Agapé.
Szőcs, Géza, and Endre Wellmann Farkas. 2009. Amikor fordul az ezred: Beszélgetőkönyv és dokumentumgyűjtemény (When the millennium turns: Talking book and document collection). Budapest: Ulpius-ház Könyvkiadó.
Tóth, Károly Antal and Ilona Tóth. 2017. Egy szamizdat az életünkben: Az Ellenpontok. (A samizdat in our lives: Counterpoints). Kolozsvár: Kriterion.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 2015. Hol vagy, szabadság? Esszék, tanulmányok, vitaírások (Where are you, freedom? Essays, studies, pamphlets). Kolozsvár: Kriterion.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 2000. Ellenpontok (Counterpoints). Csíkszereda: Pro-Print.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 1994. Hova-tovább? Az Ellenpontok dokumentumai, esszék, tanulmányok (Where do we go from here? Counterpoints: included documents, essays, studies). Stockholm – Szombathely: Magyar Ökumenikus Önképzőkör – Savaria University Press.