The book
Eurokaz - Burning Solstice by Milko Valent was published in Zagreb for the 15
th anniversary of the festival of new theatre
Eurokaz. In this book, the Croatian writer Valent assembled his reviews of
Eurokaz's performances published previously in the journal
Republika and other publications. The book is also a personal testimony about the festival itself and the people who are a part of it. The
author said that the book was born “as a protest against contemporary theatre criticism that could not fully recognize the potential of
Eurokaz, and out of the desire to give
Eurokaz fans a unique experience which could improve their sensitiveness to the reception of this extraordinary theatrical adventure, which Eurokaz certainly is. The festival has, in the 15 years of its passionate presence, become an unavoidable reference point in the theatrical interrogation of the world in this part of Europe...”.