Exhibition 'Klassikud' [classics] in 2010
In 2010, an exhibition called ‘Klassikud’ (Classics) was held at the Estonian Theatre and Music Museum. It was devoted to the anniversaries of three classics of Estonian composition: Veljo Tormis, Eino Tamberg and Arvo Pärt. The first two had their 85th, and Pärt had his 80th birthday that year. The exhibition gave an overview of the life and work of these three composers, who were active during the same period of time, but whose work was very different. They all grew up before the war, but began their careers during Soviet times.
The Theatre and Music Museum used material from its collection for this exhibition, including original manuscripts by these three composers.
Author(s) of this page
Tammela, Mari-Leen
Tark, Triin
Last edited on: 2019-02-23 10:30:40