The volume published by the Tóth couple at the end of 2017 successfully resumes the independent writings, interviews and all details appearing in the course of time which shed light on past events that have meanwhile become history. The texts comprised in the five parts of the book – introduction, interviews about Ellenpontok (Counterpoints), the discussion in Budapest, recollections and writings of others – are ordered according to the time of their publication. The fourth part of the volume, entitled “Recollections” includes the text “How the Romanian State Security found Ellenpontok?” which represents the first attempt at revealing the details of the discovery of the Transylvanian samizdat by the secret police on the basis of the observation-data collection files on Antal Károly Tóth known by the codename “Bastion” in the Ellenpontok Ad-hoc Collection. The text which was also published in the 2013 issues of the Hungarian-language independent cultural and public life magazine Kapu (Gate) offers insight into the world of the Securitate, the staff of which resorted to the complex ways and means inherent in the informant network, operative technique and outdoor street shadowing in the course of the unravelling of the case across several counties.
The crucial issue of the Hungarian minority ideology prior to 1989 was that every other consideration had to be subordinated to the issue of persistence and survival, and inaction seemed the wisest option. However, in the related term of passive resistance, resistance denotes the essence and the purpose, while passivity only refers to the form. It was the radicalism of their thinking that distinguished the editors of Ellenpontok from real Transylvanian Hungarian politicians and this led in the early 1980s to the creation of the second public sphere in the Partium.
Molnár, János. 1993. Az Egyetlen: Az Ellenpontok és az ellenpontosok története (The only one: Counterpoints and the history of its founders). Szeged: Agapé.
Szőcs, Géza, and Endre Wellmann Farkas. 2009. Amikor fordul az ezred: Beszélgetőkönyv és dokumentumgyűjtemény (When the millennium turns: Talking book and document collection). Budapest: Ulpius-ház Könyvkiadó.
Tóth, Károly Antal and Ilona Tóth. 2017. Egy szamizdat az életünkben: Az Ellenpontok. (A samizdat in our lives: Counterpoints). Kolozsvár: Kriterion.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 2015. Hol vagy, szabadság? Esszék, tanulmányok, vitaírások (Where are you, freedom? Essays, studies, pamphlets). Kolozsvár: Kriterion.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 2000. Ellenpontok (Counterpoints). Csíkszereda: Pro-Print.
Tóth, Károly Antal. 1994. Hova-tovább? Az Ellenpontok dokumentumai, esszék, tanulmányok (Where do we go from here? Counterpoints: included documents, essays, studies). Stockholm – Szombathely: Magyar Ökumenikus Önképzőkör – Savaria University Press.