Rudolf Sikora was born on 17 April 1946 in Žilina. He studied at the University of Creative Arts from 1963 to 1969. His own artwork was exhibited in the Gallery of the Young for the first time in 1970. The onset of “normalisation” limited his possibilities to perform publicly. His activities in the years that followed were undertaken primarily in the alternative scene. He himself became an initiator of a number of artists’ gatherings and happenings (such as the 1. Open atelier, Bratislava championship in the arts movement, Albums …). His production stemmed from conceptual thinking and a new sensibility. Sikora has explored human existence, and the main inspirations for his work are topography, ecology, cosmology, time, space, and civilisation. He has attempted to transfer these features to his undertakings in architecture as well. Since the 1990s, he has favoured painting. At the same time, he has turned to the introspective exploration of his very own being. Most recently, he has become inspired by suprematism, particularly Malevich’s artwork, with which Sikora has long been intertwined in an artistic dialogue.