2018.11.27. 00:44
The International Final Conference of the COURAGE Project was held on 27–28 November 2018 in Budapest. During the event, the online database of hidden private and public collections of the dissent culture in the former socialist countries was presented as the most important outcome of the project.
The conference entitled “The Cultural Heritage of Dissent” was hosted by the Research Centre for the Humanities and the Institute for Musicology (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) in Budapest, on 27–28 November 2018. The program is available here and the photos of the event are here and here.
Along with the COURAGE Registry, the volume entitled “The Handbook of COURAGE: Cultural Opposition and Its Heritage in Eastern Europe” was presented. The studies in the Handbook are available here. The project researchers presented the online curriculum and the Risk Factors online exhibition, which was based on the Registry.