2017.06.02. 22:53
On 24 May 2017, the Center for Dialog and Culture Friedrich Teutsch of the Evangelic Church in Sibiu, Romania, which includes among its holdings two collections already published in the COURAGE registry (the Eginald Schlattner Collection and the High Consistory Collection), organized a training day in partnership with the University of Bucharest. The event was entitled “Sibiu – Centre of ‘Cultural Opposition’ (1945-1989): Collections, Institutions in Charge with their Custody and their Current Problems,” and targeted the local community and its stakeholders. There was first a presentation of the COURAGE Registry and the UB collections already published by Corneliu Pintilescu; this was followed by a discussion with all local stakeholders on the current problems faced by their institutions and the collections they have in custody.
See: http://www.teutsch.ro/ro/masa-rotunda-a-arhivelor/