2017.04.02. 23:02
The Seventh National Conference “Romanian Communism” (Bucharest, 30-31 March 2017) organized by Institute of History of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest (UB) and the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS) with the financial support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, hosted two COURAGE events:
(1) “The COURAGE Registry: The Collections of Cultural Opposition between Standardization and Particularization,” presentation by Cristina Petrescu on the structure of the registry, the research questions of the project, the standard descriptions of a collection and the most interesting descriptions published in the registry by the Romanian COURAGE Team;
(2) “In Search of the Lost Past: Collectors and Collections of Cultural Opposition, 1965-1989,” closing-the-conference roundtable with collectors of cultural opposition, professors at UB and owners of private collections, previously unknown to the public. The debates shed new light on the specificity of the Romanian case and illustrated that not only the formerly known dissidents, but also “everyman” could have been be a pre-1989 collector of cultural opposition.
See: http://www.cnsas.ro/documente/cncr/PROGRAM%20CNCR%20VII%2030-31%20martie%202017.pdf